Component DemoWIP


engine_idstringThe engie you want to get a newline
results from. If not specified, the default engine will be used.


Some description about this CTA
CTA text
<call-to-action action-text="CTA text" action-link="/link/to/some-where">
Some description about this CTA


This is a H1 with strong
<h1>This is a H1 with <strong>strong</strong></1h>


some text
some text
some text
<info-box type="info">some text</info-box>
<info-box type="error">some text</info-box>
<info-box type="warning">some text</info-box>


Private identifier for your team
Private key, one for each of the three environments


Get started with test credentials and life-like data
Build out your app to 100 live credentials with up
Launch your app with unlimited live credentials


To put customized term definition like api-key-box, use def-box with title and defs parameters.

my title
my chip
my desp
<def-box title="my title" :defs="[{icon: 'chip', name: 'my chip', desp: 'my desp'}]"></def-box>


Content-centric understanding
Using neural networks that were pretrained on the open web to develop contextual knowledge, we analyze your entire product or content catalog and understand it at a deep semantic level.
Clickstream analysis
We also analyze your clickstream data: each click, view, purchase, or bounce teaches Miso what your users care about, even if they are anonymous visitors.
User modeling in real time
Miso AI is uniquely capable of cold-start personalization. We keep up with every interaction and catalog addition, instantly. For a first-time visitor, it takes just two clicks for Miso to predict their interests and serve up products that we know will engage them.
Creating your product genome
This all adds up to your site’s product genome: where we model your users, their interests, and your products in one interconnected space. This genome constantly evolves as new visitors, sessions, clicks, and inventory updates stream into your Miso engines.
Personalized search and discovery
The end result is a seamlessly tailored UX for each and every user, where they can find exactly what they’re looking for and even products they never knew existed.
User modeling in real time
Miso AI is uniquely capable of cold-start personalization. We keep up with every interaction and catalog addition, instantly. For a first-time visitor, it takes just two clicks for Miso to predict their interests and serve up products that we know will engage them.
Content-centric understanding
Clickstream analysis
User modeling in real time
Product genome
Personalized search and discovery
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