Personalizing for Anonymous UsersWIP

With Miso, you can do personalization even for users that are anonymous. By definition, users are anonymous if they have not signed in or made an account on your site. Miso will still build a model of their interactions and infer their interests in only 2-3 clicks. If the anonymous visitor signs in or creates a user account, Miso will merge the interaction history so that it's not lost.

Follow these steps to personalize for anonymous visitors on your site:

  1. Determine a unique anonymous identifier for visitors that have not signed in. This ID might come from a first-party cookie that you're using on your site or a device ID for mobile or tablet users. Alternatively, you can create a unique ID for each anonymous session and store it in localStorage in the browser.
  2. Pass the unique anonymous_ID to Miso in your Engine API calls.
  3. If and when the anonymous visitor signs in or creates a user account, pass both the anonymous_ID and the user_ID in the next Engine API call you make to Miso. This tells Miso to backfill the interactions from the anonymous_ID into the user_ID. Note that you only need to do this once, and then you can switch to sending Miso the user_ID only.
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