Recipes show you how to build powerful use cases with Miso’s Engine APIs.
Getting Started with Personalized Search
Return search results that adapt in real-time to the user's context and intent.
Category Pages
Create pages dynamically featuring personalized results for a certain category of products.
Narrow down search results based on any product attribute
Instant Typeahead Search
Autofill search results predictively as the user is typing.
Out of Stock Search
Fine-tune your search results based on inventory level and suggest semantically similar items for your customers when certain products are out of stock.
Partial MatchWIP
Help users find what they’re looking for by returning search results that partially match keywords in their query.
Question & Answer
Extract a snippet from your content to show as the response to a user's question.
Safe Search
Automatically filter age-restricted items from appearing in your search results, unless explicitly searched.
Semantic Search
Using Miso’s deep learning semantic analysis, understand the intent and context behind a user’s query to return highly relevant search results.
Getting Started with Personalized Recommendations
Generate real-time product recommendations from your catalog that your customers will love
Frequently Bought Together
Recommend other products that can be paired with the product the user is viewing.
You May Also Like
Recommend products that are personalized and based on what the user is currently viewing.
Cart Cross-Selling
Recommend products related to items in the user's cart before checkout.
Cart Upselling
Provide upsells on the cart page right before the user goes through the checkout flow.
Categories You May Like
Suggest the categories of products or content that are most relevant to the user.
Out of Stock Recommendations
Miso's Recommendation Engine can help keep customers exploring on your site, even when certain products are out of stock.
Personalized Menus
Build a menu that dynamically reflects each user's top categories and subcategories.
Personalized Product RankingsWIP
Rerank specific product collections, like promoted products, based on how likely they are to engage the user.
Products For You
Build a ribbon of personalized product recommendations that refreshes as users explore your site.
Trending For You
Recommend trending content that's also personalized.
Personalized Email Campaigns
Run email promotions with individually personalized products and collections.
Create links between similar products so that they appear close together in search results
Boosting, Pinning, and Burying
Create campaigns to promote or demote specific products or brands to customize the order in which they appear search results